Add Your Testimonial - We now encourage our customers to leave testimonials/reviews of our services on review sites such as Google Places, Yahoo Local, Yelp, etc. These sites allow you to leave more detailed feedback that potential customers can view.
Recently a family member told me of how much a Chiropractor has helped him and he encouraged me to try chiropractic care. The doctor x-rayed me, gave me a general physical examination, adjusted my spine and I experienced immediate relief. I walked out of the office pain free.
That was about a month ago and I am happy to say that I have taken no pain medication since my first appointment. I am very pleased with Dr. Doug and his chiropractic care. Dr. Doug has given me my life back. Thank you Dr. Doug."
Ray R.
One day a friend called to ask if I had tried Chiropractic. I had not. She told me of how Chiropractic had helped her so I decided to try it. I had nothing to loose. Someone had to drive me to the doctors office with me lying down in the back seat. I couldn't sit up in a chair in the lobby so the nurse gave me a bed in the back to wait for the doctor.
The doctor x-rayed me, examined me and decided he could help me. He placed me on a special table and placed pressure on select areas of my neck and back. I could hear movement in my spine. It hurt a little bit for just a second, but then I felt relief. My muscle spasm went away immediately, I had full range of motion in my neck for the first time in weeks, I walked out of the office, drove myself home and went back to work that same afternoon. No high dollar surgical procedures, no strong muscle relaxers and no bed ridden pain. Thank you Chiropractic!"
David R.
Edward M.
Tom R.
Daniel G.
Melvin Mc